
Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

January 4, 2010

As a constituent I ask you to actively support S.2743 the Cold War Medal
Act of 2009 Sponsored by Senators Snowe, Webb, Lincoln, Landrieu.

Presently no Campaign Medal exists to recognize the dedicated
participation of thousands of Cold War service members who "Stood Watch"
and participated in hundreds of military exercises and operations that
occurred between the start of the Cold War on 02 September 1945 and the
end of the Cold War on 26 December 1991 in the cause of promoting world
Peace and stability which led to the eventual fall of the Berlin Wall.

Although there have been some instances where a medal or ribbon such as
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal , Vietnam
Service Medal have been issued; the vast majority of veterans did not
receive any recognition or medal during the Cold War period. Although a
Cold War Certificate exists, federal employees to include Postal Workers
can receive this award thus diluting its status and meaning for service
members who served during this time period.

Our Governments foreign policy at the time was to contain Soviet World
Domination and our Service members followed their military orders and
stood watch on the line in the Fulda Gap with Tanks, Infantry on
operational missile silos, ships and submarines, SAC planes which were all
armed and ready 24/7. Some service members served on fully operational
secret SAM sites with special warheads requiring security clearances.
These Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines faced a force ten times their
size. They did this knowing that there mission was to slow down the larger
Soviet led Warsaw Pact nations until reinforcements from the United States
could arrive. They all performed their duties fearlessly, professionally
and honorably.

During this period, thousands of these service members were killed,
wounded, and became missing in Cold War overseas operations, which were
separate and distinct from other recognized wars such as the Korean War
and the Vietnam War. In addition many were exposed to chemicals, atomic
radiation, and other substances that created health problems; without the
service member's knowledge.

Millions of Cold War Veterans prevented communist world domination and
nuclear war which had a direct impact on the fall of the Berlin Wall on
November 9th 1989 in addition many former Warsaw Pact nations are now
thriving democracies because of the dedicated service of Cold War
Veterans. Because of the aforementioned reasons It is appropriate that a
Cold War Medal be issued to honor service members who served during this
time period. These service members deserve no less from our Government.

The VFW, American Legion and AMVETS support this Legislation.

Thank You.


Sean P. Eagan

Public Affairs Director Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans

Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars

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