
Wednesday, January 06, 2010

VA tried to launch a preemptive strike pre 60 minutes report (from VA watchdog)

Just hours before 60 MINUTES was scheduled to air their long-awaited segment on the Veterans' Benefits Administration, the VA tried to launch a preemptive strike.

Kevin Secor, the VA's Veterans' Service Organizations Liaison, sent out the following email:

From: Secor, Kevin
To: (redacted ... list included most VSOs)
Subject: 60 Minutes

Good afternoon Gentlemen,

As many are aware of, 60 Minutes tonight will air a segment on VBA and issues surrounding claims processing tonight. You also know there are always two sides to the story and HIPPA will prevent me from going any further. We also know some will take tonight's story and expand it for their own benefit. You know along with VA there have been issues surrounding claims processing and that there are issues that need to be resolved to better serve our Veterans. We have worked with you on these issues and will continue to do so. I wanted you to have the attached information so you know what VA is doing concerning claims processing to better serve our Veterans.

(Someone should help him with his writing.)

This email went out to the top brass at most of the Veterans' Service Organizations (VSOs).

Attached to the email was a list of VBA's "achievements" regarding the handling of claims.

The copy of the attachment I received was garbled but I was able to pick out a few self-congratulatory sentences.

This is an interesting tactic by the VA, because if the preview is any indication, 60 MINUTES is not going to congratulate the VBA for a job well done.

So, instead of going directly to veterans by issuing a press release or holding a press conference, the VA is enlisting the VSO's to do their dirty work.

Now, when it hits the fan on Monday morning and the phones are ringing off the hook at the VSOs, they'll be able to forward a nice piece of VA propaganda to their members.

(I will post the VA's attachment when I get a good copy.)


posted by
Larry Scott
Founder and Editor
VA Watchdog dot Org

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