
Monday, June 18, 2012

Committee to Examine Disability Claims Process


WASHINGTON, D.C.—On Tuesday, June 19, 2012, at 10:30 a.m., in Room 334 of the Cannon House Office Building, the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs will hold a hearing entitled, "Reclaiming the Process: Examining the VBA Claims Transformation Plan as a Means to Effectively Serve Our Veterans." The hearing will focus on VBA's transformation plan, which centers on the Veterans Benefits Management System (VBMS), a program that will digitize the disability claims process, as well as measure results of the new system to date.


WHO:             House Committee on Veterans' Affairs

WHAT:          "Reclaiming the Process: Examining the VBA Claims Transformation Plan as a Means to Effectively Serve Our Veterans"

WHEN:          10:30 a.m., Tuesday, June 19, 2012, Room 334, Cannon House Office Building



Panel 1

Mr. Jeffrey Hall, Assistant National Legislative Director 

Disabled American Veterans


Mr. Gerald Manar, Deputy Director, National Veterans Service

Veterans of Foreign Wars


Mr. Richard Dumancas, Deputy Director for Claims, Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Commission

The America Legion


Mr. Sherman Gillums, Associate Executive Director of Veterans Benefits

Paralyzed Veterans of America


Panel 2

Mr. William J. Bosanko, Executive for Agency Services

U.S. National Archives and Records Administration


Panel 3

Ms. Linda Halliday, Assistant Inspector General for Audits and Evaluations

Office of the Inspector General

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Accompanied by:

Mr. Nick Dahl, Director, Bedford Office of Audits and Evaluations

Office of the Inspector General

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Mr. Larry Reinkemeyer, Director, Kansas City Office of Audits and Evaluations

Office of the Inspector General

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Mr. Brent Arronte, Director, Bay Pines Benefits Inspection Division

Office of the Inspector General

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Panel 4

The Honorable Allison Hickey, Under Secretary for Benefits

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Accompanied by:

Mr. Alan Bozeman, Director, Veterans' Benefits Management System

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


The Honorable Roger Baker, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Information Technology

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


For more news from the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, please visit:



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Sean P Eagan

American Cold War Veterans  Inc  Image


Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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