
Friday, June 22, 2012

USO 4th of July Goals

Dear USO Supporter --

Want to do something special for our troops right now?

Just pick one of the USO's 4 for the 4th Projects and help us complete it in time for the 4th of July. This is a simple, direct way to provide comfort, support and a much-needed chance to relax to our troops this summer.

Are you in? Pick the project you want to make happen -- Summer Sports Kits, Phone Calls Home, Supplying Day Rooms for Wounded Troops, Care Packages to the Frontlines -- make your gift supporting our troops today:

Four for the Fourth -- These projects need your support
Send Summer Sports Kits to Our Troops. GOAL:  $50,000 Help Our Troops  Phone Home. GOAL:  $30,000
Supply Day Rooms for  Wounded Troops. GOAL:  $65,000 Send Care Packages to Troops Around the Globe. GOAL:  $55,000

Our 4 for the 4th Campaign captures the spirit and energy of the USO. We're out there side-by-side with our troops, identifying the things they need. Then, we count on patriots like you to step up and help meet those needs.

And these four projects are the ones the troops keep asking for. We've gotten a good start in the first few months of the year, but we need you to help take us the rest of the way. So far we've:

You've been such a great friend to our troops. I really hope you can help with one of these four special projects. Help get this urgent campaign off to a great start.

I know you'll do your best for our troops. You always do.


Sloan Gibson
President and CEO, USO

P.S. -- For us to wrap up these projects by July 4th, we need to hear from you before our June 30th deadline. Please act right now. It will mean so much to our troops.

Sean P Eagan

American Cold War Veterans  Inc  Image


Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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