
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Joe Walsh of Illinois enraged veterans with comments about Tammy Duckworth

Lawmaker Berates Double Amputee

Jul 06, 2012

Tammy Duckworth

A non-partisan U.S. veterans group stepped up calls for a Republican congressman to resign Thursday after he openly berated his double-amputee political rival for talking up her Iraq War injuries.

Representative Joe Walsh of Illinois enraged veterans with comments about Tammy Duckworth, a decorated U.S. Army pilot who in 2004 lost both her legs and nearly died when the Blackhawk helicopter she was co-piloting was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade fired by Iraqi insurgents.

On Sunday, Walsh told a town hall meeting that he was "running against a woman who -- I mean, my God, that's all she talks about," he said, claiming his Democratic opponent played on her injuries to score political points in public.

"Our true heroes, the men and women who served us, that's the last thing in the world they talk about," he added.

Walsh, who reportedly has not served in the military, repeated his criticism on Wednesday.

"She is a hero, and that demands our respect, but it doesn't demand our vote," he told CNN. "All she does, guys, is talk about her service."

Rep. Walsh knows he is going to loose and guess what now he gets to resign as his political career is over.  He is a marked man now. Let me give you some advice Rep. Walsh if you have never worn the uniform just keep your mouth shut and move on to issue that works for you committing political Hari -Kari well that is just not too bright .

Sean P Eagan

American Cold War Veterans  Inc  Image


Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

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