
Monday, July 02, 2012

Labor Department Announces Grants to Train Homeless Vets

From a Department of Labor News Release

WASHINGTON, July 2, 2012 - The Labor Department today awarded 90 grants totaling more than $20 million to fund job training and support services that officials said will help more than 11,000 veterans succeed in civilian careers.

The grants are being awarded through the department's Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program.

"Americans who have served their country should not find themselves without a home," Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis said. "The grants announced today will help these heroes find good jobs and take us one step closer to the goal of ending veteran homelessness altogether."

The grants are second- and third-year awards to state and local workforce investment boards, local public agencies and nonprofit organizations -- including faith-based and community organizations -- that demonstrated satisfactory performance during the past year, officials said. Some of the grants are set aside to serve formerly incarcerated veterans, female veterans and veterans with families who are homeless.

Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program grants provide occupational, classroom and on-the-job training, as well as job search and placement assistance, including follow-up services. Grantees are expected to maximize available assistance and find good jobs for veterans by coordinating efforts and resources with the Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs, and Housing and Urban Development department, as well as other national, state and local agencies, in accordance with VA's five-year plan to end homelessness for veterans and their families, officials said.

Last month, Solis announced the award of 64 grants through the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program. Those grants -- which are separate from the 90 receiving funds today -- are first-year awards totaling more than $15 million, aimed at providing about 8,600 homeless veterans nationwide with job training.

Hilda L. Solis
Related Sites:
Department of Labor
Labor Department Programs for Veterans
Breakdown of Grants

Sean P Eagan

American Cold War Veterans  Inc  Image


Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Life Member Veterans of Foreign Wars
716 720-4000

1 comment:

  1. This month’s issue of 1851 magazine is dedicated to veterans! In our feature story, we have compiled a comprehensive list of the top 100 Veteran friendly franchises! We understand how important it is to support the armed forces when they return home specifically providing them with opportunities for success in life outside of the service. We know our veterans have been equipped with the qualities that are essential to lead a successful business. You can check out the article here: on! We’ve currently released 60 of the franchises; make sure to check back throughout the month to view the entire list! Furthermore we have compiled an extensive array of articles, interviews, and profiles that deal directly with veterans in franchising, veterans looking to get into franchising, and franchising resources for veterans. In honor of the impending holiday, we wanted to show our patriotism and gratitude for those who have and are serving our country.


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