
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Chairman Miller Hosts Veterans Service Organization Roundtable


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Chairman Jeff Miller (FL-01) hosted the first HVAC Veterans Service Organization Roundtable of the 113th Congress. The event brought together representatives from nearly 30 Veterans Service Organizations, HVAC members and congressional leaders for an off-the-record discussion regarding perennial veterans-related challenges such as VA's benefits claims backlog and mental health care access.


"VSOs give veterans a voice on Capitol Hill, so it's important for us to listen to what they have to say," Miller said. "Today's event was a great opportunity to have a candid discussion about what our committee has been doing to improve the lives of veterans, our priorities for the 113th Congress as well as those of the VSO community. The input and support of America's VSOs has been invaluable to our work at the committee over the past two years, and I look forward to strengthening our partnership as we work to ensure our veterans receive the care and benefits they deserve."


Photos from today's event are below. High-resolution copies are available here.



Chairman Miller leading the Q&A portion of the event.




House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) discusses how congressional leaders

are working with the committee to help end the backlog of disability compensation claims at VA.





House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan talks about VA funding levels in the House Republicans' Fiscal Year 2014 budget.



Rep. McCarthy and Chairman Miller listen to VSO officials.




Sean Eagan

American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone:  716 720-4000 
Network: My Fast Pitch! Profile

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