
Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Chairman Miller Offers Amendment to Ban VA Executive Bonuses for Five Years


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Chairman Jeff Miller (FL-01) introduced an amendment to the GI Bill Tuition Fairness Act of 2013 that would put a five year moratorium on performance bonuses for Department of Veterans Affairs senior executives. The amendment comes in response to a rash of recent media reports documenting how numerous VA senior executives have received sizeable performance bonuses despite presiding over significant increases in benefits claim backlogs and even patient deaths.


"The fact that so many VA executives collected huge performance bonuses year after year while continually failing at their jobs calls into question whether department leaders even know the meaning of the word 'accountability.' Unfortunately, it's taken the national crisis that is the benefits backlog and a media firestorm surrounding the department's bonus scandal for VA leaders to realize that rewarding failure only breeds more failure. While recent VA decisions to forego certain executive bonuses and review others are steps in the right direction, they don't go nearly far enough. VA owes every American an explanation for why it rewarded failing executives with bonuses, and we are calling on the department to conduct a top-to-bottom review of its performance appraisal system to prevent similar outrageous payments in the future. Until we have complete confidence that VA is holding executives accountable – rather than rewarding them – for their mistakes, no one should get a performance bonus. Period. That's why I'm introducing this legislation, which would ban VA executive bonuses for five years," Miller said.  


Read the text of the amendment here.





VA Exec Can't Explain Why He Collected $54,792 in Bonuses



VA Rewarded top officials with bonuses despite growing claims backlog

Center for Investigative Reporting

Central Texas VA boss received $50,000 in bonuses, even as disability claims stacked up

Austin American-Statesman


Atlanta VA exec scored bonuses while audits found lapses

Atlanta Journal-Constitution


Pittsburgh VA executives got performance bonuses amidst deadly Legionnaires' spread
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review


Despite probe, Dayton VA chief received bonuses

Dayton Daily News


Sean Eagan

American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone:  716 720-4000 
Network: My Fast Pitch! Profile

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