
Saturday, June 01, 2013

VFW Washington Weekly 5/31/13

Washington Weekly

Arrow May 31, 2013

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Congress Returns to Busy Week
Congress returns from their Memorial Day recess to a host of hearings and other legislative business. The VFW is scheduled to testify before the Senate VA Committee on Wednesday, June 5, on a variety of benefit-related legislation. Some of the bills we plan to discuss include in-state tuition equity for GI Bill recipients, economic opportunity, changes within VA sexual assault claims process, cost of living increases and the survivor benefit program. Also on June 5, the VFW is scheduled to testify for the first time before the Joint Economic Committee with regards to job opportunities for veterans. The VFW plans to discuss challenges veterans face as they return home and how we can grow partnerships between the veterans' community, government and the private sector to help them find career employment. Visit our blog next week for links to the live testimony and our remarks. For more information, visit the Joint Economic Committee or Senate VA Committee website.

SBA Starts Veterans Pledge Initiative
The Small Business Administration (SBA) announced the SBA Veteran Pledge Initiative, a commitment by its top national, regional and community lenders to collectively increase lending activity to veterans by five-percent per year for the next five years. SBA expects to assist an additional 2,000 veterans with support from some of their top 20 national lending partners and approximately 100 additional regional and community lending partners across the United States. The loans will help veterans start or expand small businesses. The increase in lending looks to be about $475 million over the next five years. To read more, visit the SBA Community webpage. 



 Sean Eagan

 Life Member VFW NY Post 53
 American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone:  716 720-4000 
Network: My Fast Pitch! Profile

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