
Monday, October 21, 2013

VA Backlog Miraculously Decreases During Shutdown ? What How is That Possible

Chairman Miller Statement on VA Backlog Decrease During Government Shutdown


WASHINGTON, DC – Chairman Jeff Miller released the following statement regarding the fact that, contrary to warnings from Department of Veterans Affairs leaders, VA's disability benefits compensation claims backlog fell during the government shutdown.


"Instead of debating whether or not VA's dire predictions regarding the shutdown's impact came to fruition, I remain focused on a much more important question: why is the department still falling short of its own backlog goals? Even though VA has chipped away at the backlog over the last few months, the department still fell nearly 100,000 claims short of its Fiscal Year 2013 processing goal. Congress has provided VA with everything it has asked for to reduce the backlog, so why is the department not delivering the results its leaders promised?" – Rep. Jeff Miller, Chairman, House Committee on Veterans' Affairs   





Final Stats – Total Claims VA Completed in Fiscal Year 2013: 1,169,085 (99,978 less than planned)


Final Stats – Total Claims VA Received in Fiscal Year 2013: 1,044,508 (272,492 less than planned)


VA Fiscal Year 2013 Claims Receipt and Completion Estimates, as of 8/29/13



 Sean Eagan

 Life Member VFW NY Post 53
 American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone:  716 720-4000 
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