Friday, December 04, 2009

NDM - Early Day Motion 327

We have come to a critical point in our campaign now the EDM has been
submitted. We need to see just how deep our political support runs.

It is down to all of us to make sure our MP signs this Early Day Motion

If your MP sits on the fence or does not reply, keep on their case, they
are there to represent our views, they are our servants.

If you need any assistance tracking down your MP try this link:

We also urge you to use your contacts, friends, associates etc, that way
we can lobby every single MP in the Country. Write to your local paper
let them know about it. We must reach every potential supporter and MP
we possibly can. Use the links below to help with email addresses,
numbers and addresses:




Many thanks in advance for your help and support moving this campaign

If you want you can use the attached template letter, if you have any
difficulty opening it just let me know and I'll forward it in a
different format.

If you live overseas, you can still choose an MP to write to from your
original home town or maybe a place you've worked.

Best wishes,


Co-chair National Defence Medal Society

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