
Monday, January 14, 2013

RWC Campaign Update

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Active DutyNational Guard & ReserveVeteransFamiliesHealth Professionals
Monday, January 14, 2013
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Happy New Year from the Real Warriors Campaign
"Strengthening your psychological health is just as important as strengthening your physical health." — Air Force Lt. Col. Mary Carlisle

The Real Warriors Campaign would like to wish our readers a successful 2013 and encourage you to start the year by making a resolution to be healthy in both body and in mind. Building and maintaining strong psychological and physical health can help warriors cope with stress, maintain healthy lifestyles and prevent more serious health concerns in the future. Learn more by reading the campaign's articles that focus on strengthening both physical and psychological health, such as the "Psychological Benefits of Physical Fitness" and "Nutrition's Role in Building Resilience." To educate yourself on ways to increase psychological strength in the new year, read the article "Behavioral Fitness: Coping Skills Build Resilience" for techniques that can help manage stress and build resilience. Remember, help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week through the DCoE Outreach Center at 1-866-966-1020 or by logging onto the Real Warriors Live Chat.
New Year's Ecards
New Years EcardMotivate your loved ones to make healthy choices throughout the new year by sending a free, personalizedecard!
New Video Profile: Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond Chandler
Video Profile: Sgt. Maj. ChandlerService members of any rank or service may experience combat stress or other invisible wounds as a result of deployment. By reaching out for care, warriors can maintain successful careers and learn important coping tools. For example, watch Sgt. Maj. Chandler, the senior most enlisted service member in the U.S. Army, tell his story of experiencing combat stress following deployment to Iraq. With the support of his command, Chandler reached out for the care he needed and continues to excel in his career. By sharing stories and knowledge, warriors learn that they are not alone in coping with combat stress or other invisible wounds as a result of deployment or other life transitions.
7 Tools to Reinforce Psychological Strength
7 Tools to Reinforce Psychological StrengthThe 7 Tools to Reinforce Psychological Strength mini-brochure highlights free, confidential psychological health resources available for members of the National Guard and reserve. The featured tools and resources tailored specifically for the National Guard and reserve include: the DCoE Outreach Center,Real Warriors Live Chatvideos,message boardstransition support and assistance available through the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program. These resources cover topics such as health, reintegration, employment, education, personal financial management and resilience. The 7 Tools to Reinforce Psychological Strength mini-brochure is a great addition for information kits and for distribution at events or conferences. This brochure and other campaign materials are available free-of-charge and can be viewed, downloaded or ordered through our online shopping cart.
Update Your Facebook Status and Spread the Word
share Real Warriors Facebook postYear-round exercise can help you build and maintain your psychological health and resilience. Click SHARE or paste the following message onto your Facebook page to share tips on staying fit in the new year.

What are your New Year's resolutions? Tips to keep your muscles and mind fit in 2013:
Let Us Know How We're Doing
The Real Warriors Campaign would like your feedback on the tools and resources we use to educate service members, veterans, military families and health care professionals. Please take five minutes to let us know which resources work best and what other information you would like to see. Take the survey now!
Partner Spotlight
National Intrepid Center of Excellence
The Defense Department established the National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE) in 2010 to respond to the needs of service members coping with invisible wounds from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. NICoE is dedicated to providing cutting-edge evaluation, treatment planning, research and education for service members and their families experiencing the complex interactions of mild traumatic brain injury and psychological health concerns. For example, one educational program that NICoE offers shows how diet can have an impact on psychological health and traumatic brain injury. Service members can participate in the NICoE Nutrition Program, where they attend both group and one-on-one meetings to learn about the impact their food choices can have on personal health. Visit the NICoE Patient Care page to learn more about this program, as well as access other NICoE resources for coping with psychological health concerns and traumatic brain injury.
Help @realwarriors take the Shorty Awards!
Shorty Awards
The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media by recognizing people and organizations that are making a difference. We need your help raising awareness for the campaign's mission by voting for "@realwarriors" in the Shorty Awards' Government category. Together we can spread the message that reaching out is a sign of strength!
Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond Chandler
Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond Chandler
Download entire message



Sean Eagan

American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
Blog: Cold War Veterans Blog
Phone:  716 720-4000 
Network: My Fast Pitch! Profile

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