Saturday, August 05, 2006
The American Legion Endorses Cold War Victory Medal!
EIGHTY-SIXTH NATIONAL CONVENTION of THE AMERICAN LEGION NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE August 31—September 2, 2004 RESOLUTION No. 10: Awarding The Cold War Victory Medal ORIGIN: District of Columbia SUBMITTED BY: Convention Committee on National Security WHEREAS, The United States Armed Forces engaged the forces of international Communism continuously from the end of World War II until the disintegration of the former Soviet Union; and WHEREAS, The United States, during this extended period, relied for its manpower source on a national service Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps made up of citizens performing their obligated duty to serve and defend the United States; and WHEREAS, The defeat of the former Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies constituted the greatest success of American Armed Forces since the end of World War II; and WHEREAS, Many American citizens served the nation in assigned duties without receiving tangible recognition for that service; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By The American Legion in National Convention assembled in Nashville, Tennessee, August 31, September 1, 2, 2004, That The American Legion urge the Congress to authorize and provide funding for the award of a Cold War Victory Medal to all Armed Forces members who served on extended active duty during the period 2 September 1945 through 26 December 1991, thereby commemorating service in the Cold War to eliminate the threat of a determined enemy to overpower the freely elected democracies of the world.
Contact HASC Conferees!!! ASAP
Category: News and Politics
REPUBLICANS (16)fficeffice" />
Mr. Hunter (CA), Chairman Mr. Skelton (MO), Ranking
Mr. Weldon (PA)
Mr. Spratt (SC)
Mr. Hefley (CO)
Mr. Ortiz (TX)
Mr. Saxton (NJ)
Mr. Taylor (MS)
Mr. McHugh (NY)
Mr. Abercrombie (HI)
Mr. Everett (ffice:smarttags" />AL)
Mr. Meehan (MA)
Mr. Bartlett (MD)
Mr. Reyes (TX)
Mr. Thornberry (TX)
Dr. Snyder (AR)
Mr. Hostettler (IN)
Mr. Smith (WA)
Mr. Jones (NC)
Ms. Sanchez (CA)
Mr. Ryun (KS)
Ms. Tauscher (CA)
Mr. Gibbons (NV)
Mr. Andrews (NJ) - Author of SEC 552, Cold War Victory Medal
Mr. Hayes (NC)
Mr. Calvert (CA)
Mr. Simmons (CT)
Ms. Drake (VA)
Below are Congressmen who have Co-Sponsored a past Cold War Medal Bill (Bill# and year listed)
Green = Current Sponsor of HR2568
Alphabetized by State
REPUBLICANS (16) Past Cold War Co-Sponsorship
[AL-2] Everett, Terry
[CA-44] Calvert, Ken
[CA-52] Hunter, Duncan - Chairman
[CO-5] Hefley, Joel
[CT-2] Simmons, Rob HR2165 (2001-2002)
[IN-8] Hostettler, John
[KS-2] Ryun, Jim HR2165 (2001-2002)
HR3388 (2003-2004)
[MD-16] Bartlett, Roscoe HR2165 (2001-2002)
[NC-3] Jones, Walter
[NC-8] Hayes, Robin
[NJ-3] Saxton, Jim HR2165 (2001-2002)
[NV-2] Gibbons, Jim HR2165 (2001-2002)
[NY-23] McHugh, John
[PA-7] Weldon, Curt
[TX-13] Thornberry, Mac
[VA-2] Drake, Thelma HR2165 (2001-2002)
Below are Congressmen who have Co-Sponsored a past Cold War Medal Bill (Bill# and year listed)
DEMOCRATS (12) Past Cold War Co-Sponsorship
[AR-2] Snyder, Vic
[CA-10] Tauscher, Ellen
[CA-47] Sanchez, Loretta
[HI-1] Abercrombie, Neil
[MA-5] Meehan, Marty
[MO-4] Skelton, Ike - Ranking
[MS-4] Taylor, Gene
[NJ-1] Andrews, Robert - Author: Sec 552, Cold War Medal
[SC-5] Spratt, John HR2165 (2001-2002)
[TX-16] Reyes, Silvestre
[TX-27] Ortiz, Solomon
[WA-9] Smith, Adam
Find members by your state, and please e-mail each your message. If their e-mail format includes a subject line, make it "Please keep Cold War Victory Medal in NDAA for 2007"
Multiply your effectiveness by getting friends and relatives to send the same message. We need to get this done now, before the House-Senate conference takes up the Cold War Victory Medal, which could be anytime in the next few days. Let's reinforce our support, and make our case to all. You can use the message I presented earlier, or a simple "Please support the Cold War Victory Medal. Remember us and our veterans will remember you and thank you."
Also, go to their website at and get their office phone number -- follow up with a telephone call. Make it polite and top the point -- "Please kep SEC 552, Cold War Victory Medal in the National Defense Authorization Act.".
Alabama - Mike Rogers, Alabama
Terry Everett, Alabama
Arkansas - Vic Snyder, Arkansas
Arizona - Trent Franks, Arizona
California - Duncan Hunter, California, Chairman
Ken Calvert, California
Loretta Sanchez, California
Susan A. Davis, California
Ellen O. Tauscher, California
Brian Bilbray, ffice:smarttags" />California
Colorado - Mark Udall, Colorado
Joel Hefley, Colorado
Connecticut - Rob Simmons, Connecticut
Florida -
Jeff Miller, Florida
Kendrick B. Meek, Florida
Georgia - Jim Marshall, Georgia
Cynthia McKinney, Georgia
Guam- Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Guam
Hawaii - Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii
Illinois - Lane Evans, Illinois
Indiana -
John N. Hostettler, Indiana
Kansas - Jim Ryun, Kansas
Kentucky -
Geoff Davis, Kentucky
Maryland -
Roscoe G. Bartlett, Maryland
Massachusetts - Marty Meehan, Massachusetts
Michigan - Candice S. Miller, Michigan
Joe Schwarz, Michigan
Missouri -
Ike Skelton, Missouri, Ranking Member
W. Todd Akin, Missouri
Minnesota - John Kline, Minnesota
Mississippi -
Gene Taylor, Mississippi
New Hampshire - Jeb Bradley, New Hampshire
Nevada - Jim Gibbons, Nevada
New Jersey - Jim Saxton, New Jersey
Frank A. LoBiondo, New Jersey
NY -
John M. McHugh, New York
Steve Israel, New York
North Carolina
- Walter B. Jones, North Carolina
Mike McIntyre, North Carolina
Robin Hayes, North Carolina
G. K. Butterfield, North Carolina
Ohio -
Michael Turner, Ohio
Tim Ryan, Ohio
Oklahoma - Dan Boren, Oklahoma
Pennsylvania -
Curt Weldon, Pennsylvania
Robert A. Brady, Pennsylvania
Bill Shuster, Pennsylvania
Rhode Island -
James R. Langevin, Rhode Island
South Carolina - John Spratt, South Carolina
Joe Wilson, South Carolina
Tennessee - Jim Cooper, Tennessee
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Sunday, August 06, 2006
AMVETS Endorses Cold War Victory Medal!
Category: News and Politics
AMVETS endorses Cold War Victory Medal AUGUST 12, 2004 Spokane, Washington RESOLUTION 05-70 SUBJECT: CREATION OF A FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE COLD WAR VICTORY MEDAL SOURCE: COLD WAR COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the United States Congress has authorized the Cold War Certificate for those Americans who served in the Armed Forces, or in other government agencies, during the period Sept. 2, 1945 through Dec. 26, 1991, and whose duties contributed directly to this nation's Cold War efforts; and WHEREAS, the 1990 Census indicates that at least 18 million Cold War veterans were alive at that time, and further estimates indicate that as many as 22 million Americans served honorably during the Cold War; and WHEREAS, the Cold War was of such magnitude and scope that there is no comparable event in history, and therefore must be treated as singularly unique; and WHEREAS, the American victory in the Cold War changed the world forever, and those Americans who served honorably in the Armed Forces should be recognized in the form of a medal: Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That AMVETS , the [largest] veterans organization which represents every Cold War veteran , proposes that Congress direct the Department of Defense to design, authorize, and supervise distribution of a Cold War Victory Medal; and be it further RESOLVED, That all congressionally chartered and/or recognized veterans organizations, pending their individual requests, may be authorized to act as witnesses to the honorable services through visual inspection of the appropriate documents - and will at the local post level issue affidavits attesting to the eligibility of each applicant; and be it further RESOLVED, That any requirement for posting of the award to individual military personnel records be waived, and a separate record of issuance of Cold War Victory medals be maintained.
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