Busted! PTSD Myths Hurt You, Career
Posted by Jayne Davis, DCoE Strategic Communications
Some myths carry greater consequences than others. Myths about what PTSD is, who it affects, why you might have it and what can be done are unfortunately, common and harmful. Not being able to distinguish between fact and fiction can be the difference between living with hope and promise and living with despair for someone with the diagnosis.
Myth: Only Weak People Get PTSD
Identifying truths about PTSD is challenging given that it's not easily understood either by someone experiencing the related psychological symptoms or by their family and friends. Being uninformed contributes to numerous misconceptions about the disorder, such as having PTSD means you're not mentally tough. That plays particularly well in the military culture where standards of toughness are high and implemented with rigor.
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Good article from DCoE
Sean P Eagan
Former Chairman American Cold War Veterans
Great blog. This is the first time I've see it. Please check out my facebook page at the below link. I too am a Cold Var Veteran and started a page "I didn't serve in combat but I still served. Please "like it".